3 Keys to Successful Resolutions

3 Keys to Successful Resolutions

2021. A New Year. A fresh start. Which means we are smack in the middle of New Year’s Resolution Season. All of last week and all of the next week or two, the major topic of discussion will be our 2021 goals and resolutions. But most of these resolutions won’t even see the end of January and 80% will fail by February according to polls. So how do we make these stick beyond January? Beyond February? Or even beyond 2021? There is a way. Alls it takes is a solid foundation, some good planning, and maybe a little help along the way. It is not impossible. We just have to go about it the right way. Here are my 3 keys to successful New Year’s Resolutions.

Key #1: Good Goal Setting

A resolution is really a goal when we strip away the New Year’s part. Unfortunately, many people don’t see it that way. They see it as more of a change that needs to take place or use a blanket statement to try and force a new habit. But THAT is why they fail. If we treat resolutions like a goal, and build them that way, they become much more achievable.

A good goal has:

  1. A subject (who the goal is for).
  2. An achievement for the subject to reach.
  3. An achievement that is measurable.
  4. A time frame to reach that achievement by.
  5. Reality. It is great to have very big, lofty goals but if we know in our subconscious that there is absolutely no way we can physically, mentally or emotionally reach that goal we won’t even try.

Here is an example of a good goal:

I will lose 25 pounds by March 1, 2021.

We know who is going to be achieving the goal, what they are trying to achieve and when they will achieve it by. This gives a direction. If we just say we want to lose weight in 2021 we have no way to measure our success and no deadline to motivate us to that success. So having a resolution of losing weight is fine, but measuring it with smaller goals of losing certain amount of weight every few months is much a better way to make that resolution successful. It would be even better if the resolution was measurable as well (losing 100 pounds in 2021 for example).

The smaller goals (like the one above) also allow us to develop a plan of attack to make that resolution more likely to be sustained and achieved in 2021 and beyond. Which brings us to our next key.

Key #2: Having a Solid Plan

Setting good goals and structuring them to push us along in the journey is great but how do we actually achieve them? What is the plan? Without a plan those goals are sure to fail. This is another reason why resolutions, even good ones, fail. A good plan must:

  1. Start with a “why”. What is your real reason for doing this? Your “why” has to be strong or the goals and plan won’t matter whatsoever.
  2. Have action steps that start from square one and work toward reaching the goals set before the plan was created.
  3. Be as realistic as the goals that have been set. Basically you have to be able to carry out that plan.

Now, if this is a small habit we are trying to change (read a certain number of books this year), the goals and plan to achieve them might not be too hard to come up with. If they are very new to us, though, or we are trying to create an entire new habit or lifestyle change, the task becomes a little more daunting. That is where our final key comes into play.

Key #3: Guidance and Support

There are so many areas in our life where guidance and support are absolutely necessary. Unless you have experience fixing cars you probably need some guidance in order to have new brakes put on your vehicle. This is why the idea of getting some guidance and support when trying to make true lifestyle changes or start new habits is crucial.

For other examples we have used so far, like reading more, support might be all we need. Joining a book club to hold us accountable might be enough. But for some resolutions like losing 100 pounds in a year, exercising 5 days a week or quitting cigarettes, a higher level of guidance and support might be required to ensure that resolution is achievable and sustainable. If you have never worked out before in your entire life, working out 5 days a week or losing 100 pounds will be virtually impossible without proper guidance and support. It probably won’t be safe either! Getting together with someone who has done it before or has the knowledge and expertise to show you how to properly achieve your goals will take a lot of the stress out of the equation making the task of sustaining and achieving that resolution a lot less daunting and stressful and MORE LIKELY TO HAPPEN.

YOU Can Be Successful

By implementing these 3 keys anyone can be successful at achieving and sustaining a New Year’s Resolution. Starting with a solid foundation made up of good short and long term goals followed by a stepwise plan partnered with the proper support and guidance from professionals and those around you is the recipe for success. Achieving these goals makes us feel good and when we feel good, every area of our life improves. More stress is taken off of our plate than is added to it as we gain more control over those areas we thought were no longer in our control. It is a very powerful thing.

All three keys to successful resolutions are a huge part of what I do with my clients year round. Properly identifying where they are, where they want to be, and how to most effectively get them there is one of my favorite parts of helping people. Showing people how to make proper changes and shifts in their lifestyle and mindset while getting healthy and maximizing their physical performance is part of the guidance and support that can make your New Year’s Resolution to get more active and exercise happen. It won’t happen over night, but if we do it correctly and put the time in, we can be very successful.

Contact me for more information about how to safely get started on a new exercise program or lifestyle change without fear of failing or doing so through pain. I look forward to helping you maximize your physical performance so you can live a happy, healthy, and wealthy life doing what you love with who you love! Happy New Year!

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