5 Tips to Live Pain Free with Arthritis

5 Tips to Live Pain Free with Arthritis

Arthritis is something that almost all of us will deal with at some point in our lives. By definition, arthritis means inflammation of the joint. This is a very natural process that occurs over time. Believe it or not, arthritis alone does not automatically mean you will have pain. Here are 5 tips that will help improve and prevent pain from arthritis so you can live a happy, healthy, and wealthy life with your loved ones doing what you enjoy most!

Tip #1: Motion is Lotion

This tip will be the driving force behind the rest of the tips we discuss. Movement will keep the joints moving and lubricated. If you have arthritis, you have probably noticed stiffness either first thing in the morning or when you stand up after sitting for a while. The less you move the joints, the more stiffness develops and this can be a contributing factor to pain down the road. Keep moving, and if you have pain in your joints (especially the knees and the hips) try not to sit or stay stationary too long. Motion is lotion!

Tip #2: Walking or Running Will NOT Make Things Worse

Now this isn’t to say everyone with arthritis should go out and run a 5k. But if you are a runner it won’t make your arthritis worse. In fact, research has shown that recreational runners are less likely to develop arthritis than people who are more sedentary. Just like we said in tip one, movement is good! So if you are a runner, keep running. If you aren’t, starting a walking program is perfectly fine! If you have pain, only walk as far as you can before pain increases. As you go, that can get better!

Tip #3: Strength is a Must

Walking alone will not do the trick to take all of the stress off of joints with arthritis that actually leads to the pain. Certain muscle groups have to be strong to support the joints with arthritis and make sure they aren’t too stressed which can lead to pain. The exercises you need really depend on the joint but standing up and sitting down in a chair 30 times a day is a great way to get a little exercise for some key muscle groups! Hold onto the arms of the chair for support if you need to!

Tip #4: Weight Does Play a Role

It is not the only reason arthritis can be painful but more weight means more stress in general on those joints. If a joint already has more stress on it (due to stiffness and weakness as mentioned above) extra weight won’t help. However; it is possible to decrease pain from arthritis without losing a ton of weight. Getting some proper guidance on how to do that is usually best. That will allow you to actually be able to exercise enough to lose the weight without causing pain! Physical therapy is a great way to get that guidance.

Tip #5: Nutrition Matters

The foods we eat can play a role in the amount of inflammation in our bodies. But there is not a crazy magic diet that will make a major difference. Simply eating a well balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and proteins with less carbohydrates can be helpful. This can also help with the weight we talked about in tip number four! Consulting a licensed nutritionist to help you navigate the best diet for you is recommended.

So there you have it. Following these 5 tips can help you treat and prevent pain from arthritis. One of the most common myths I hear from clients is, “well I am always going to have some pain, I have arthritis.” It does not have to be this way. Try these tips and see for yourself!

For a deeper dive into living pain free with arthritis download your FREE copy of my E-Book How to Live Pain Free with Osteoarthritis.

Age and arthritis do not have to be painful. Through physical therapy, certain parts of the aging process can actually be reversed! You can get strong, have better bone health, and avoid falls at any age!

Contact us today to make sure you can live the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest life possible!

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