My amazing Wife (who is an even better Mother) gave me a fantastic idea to write this blog. As parents, we truly know what sacrifice means and we will do anything for our kids. But making sure we take care of ourselves so we can take care of our kids is very important as well. That is especially true for those Moms out there that go back to work as a way to provide for their children and family once maternity leave ends. The amount of physical and emotional changes that take place during that time are immense. So if we can make sure pain isn’t a factor, that will only help this transition. This blog will give you a few tips to make sure such an important time in your day is as beneficial for you AND your baby as possible.
Set The Room Up
The space you use to pump should be comfortable and supportive to good body mechanics. If you are able to relax and be supported in the chair you use, you will be able to better focus on the real reason you are there in the first place, your baby. Make sure you can sit upright with proper back support and both feet on the floor. Have a spot to be able to place your water and snack (these are crucial for breast milk production too!) that is easy to reach without disrupting your position. Having a space that is easy to move around in is important as well. This is something your workplace has to provide you so make sure it suits your needs as a working Mom. Any other Moms-to-be in the office will thank you for it too!
Make it Productive (if you want to)
You don’t HAVE to work during this time, but if you choose to, make sure the workspace allows you to comfortably pump while maintaining a good upright and supported position to work out of. If you have to use a laptop to work and that is not your norm, get a wireless mouse and keyboard for it. This will allow you to sit up right with the computer screen at the correct height and be in a better position from the neck and shoulders down through your elbows, wrists and hands (check out tip 2 in this blog for a little more on that). If you are making phone calls, use a wireless head set so your hands can be free to assist in pumping if need be. Again, this time is yours and work is not mandatory, but if staying productive makes you feel less stressed about taking the time to make food for you child, lets make sure you wont suffer from avoidable pain at the same time!
Don’t Look Down The Entire Time
This tip is a biggie for new breast feeding Moms who may still be getting the hang of pumping. There is a learning curve (we went through it with my Wife) to make sure the pumping session gives you the most milk possible during that time! We just don’t want to be looking down the entire time. Obviously if an adjustment needs to be made, do it, but do it by nodding your head on your neck, not by craning your neck down and rounding your upper back area. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed as well. This will make sure there isn’t too much stress being placed on your neck and shoulders while pumping. This is also a great tip to use while breast feeding your baby. Many of us have a tendency to have our head forward and make that motion come from the lower neck and upper back when it should start with more of a nod of the head and a bending of the neck (see below).

You Are Doing Great
Everyone has their struggles. Everyone’s experience is different. Just know that the most important thing is that your baby is fed. You are doing great! And with these tips you will feel better physically while working hard to provide quality nutrition and hydration for your baby! I hope this helps you on your journey through parenthood as a busy, working Mom so you can live the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest life doing what you love with who you love.
Contact us for more information on yearly movement and workplace injury risk assessments to ensure avoidable pain isn’t preventing you from living all aspects of your life to the fullest.